Punk Poultry Media



Stacey Greenawalt only took the copy shop job recommended by her art teacher in the summer of 1988 because she figured it would be better than babysitting. And it was. Not only that, it turned out to be the starting point of her overall career trajectory. She went on to pursue commercial art and graphic design in college, and built her first website (coding self-taught HTML by hand in Notepad) in 1998.

She is now owner, Chief Egghead, and creative fiend at Punk Poultry Media, a special sauce company tackling a wide range of design services, including vector logo design and branding; web development, design and hosting; digital and print marketing; layout; photography; even 3D construction rendering.

Punk Poultry Media was ‘officially’ established in 2019 when Stacey started planning her exit strategy after spending 21+ years (at that time) as the full-time graphics/web/marketing nerd for various other companies in a wide range of industries, from publishing to roofing to non-profit. It took another three years, but in July 2022, Stacey left her full-time position as the graphics/web/marketing nerd for the Cleburne Chamber of Commerce to fully focus on being self-employed and working in and for the community where she lives.

Stacey has been a resident of Hill County since 2017 when she and her husband purchased some land and built a house in Peoria. She currently sits on the board of directors for Lake Whitney Arts Association.


Stacey Greenawalt

Chief Egghead/Owner

Punk Poultry Media

