Connections Lunch Rewind. See the panel discussion video, and key takeaways here.
The Connections Lunch held on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025, was a sold-out event held to allow the businesses and community to meet and hear from city leaders in a panel discussion forum.
You can watch the Youtube Recording of the panel discussion at this link

The panel speakers were (left to right) Megan Henderson, Hillsboro City Manager, Allyson Cliett, Hillsboro Special Projects, Jessica Trew, Hillsboro Economic Development, and Tiffany Barron, Hillsboro Main Street. The panel was moderated by Lynette Hearrell, Chamber Director (not shown).
As a follow up to the lunch, all attendees were reminded that there are websites and facebook pages that you can follow to help you stay connected and informed in Hillsboro. We are including them here:
Hillsboro Economic Development
The Hillsboro Reporter Newspaper and AM1560 KHBR Radio
The Building Up the City of Hillsboro Facebook Page
Interested in knowing what are our local boards and committees? Your experience and perspective could play a big part in Hillsboro’s future.

Airport Advisory Board-Advises staff regarding the development and operation of the municipal airport
Building and Standards Commission-advises staff and makes recommendations to council regarding code violations
Economic Development Corporation-advises and negotiates industrial development
Hillsboro Housing Financing Corporation-Advises regarding the development and financing of housing
Historic Preservation Commission-Advises staff regarding development advises staff and makes recommendations or determinations regarding the preservation of historic resources
Library Board of Trustees-Advises staff regarding the development and operation of the public library
Main Street Board– Advises staff regarding the development of downtown business and physical development and events
Parks Advisory Board-Advises staff regarding the development and operation of city parks
Planning & Zoning Commission-Advises staff regarding development and makes recommendations to Council regarding land use, development, and development policy
Zoning Board of Adjustment-Advises staff regarding development decides special exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance

And we have Main Street Committees for you to consider joining or visiting a few times to see if it’s right for you. They are:

For those wanting to stay “in the loop” on what is on the Hillsboro Area Community Calendar, we DO encourage you to bookmark and visit often our Chamber website calendar.

Have a question, or want to talk about something? Call the Hillsboro Chamber at 254-582-2481.