Hill County Day in Austin planned for Wednesday, March 19th 2024 – Join us!
Hill County Day in Austin has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 19th, 2025.
The biannual trip to the Texas State Capitol is attended by local citizens, businesses, and leaders with coordination by our Chambers of Commerce in Hill County. and held in conjunction with every Regular Session of the Texas Legislature. The trip is designed to inform, inspire and connect the people and issues of Hill County with our elected decision-makers and key agency officials.
The March 19th, 2025, Preliminary Schedule:
6:30 a.m. Bus and Attendees Leave Historic City Hall-Hillsboro
9:15 a.m. Arrive In Austin
10 a.m. House Opening – 3RD Floor House Gallery 3W
11 a.m. Senate Opening – 3rd Floor Senate Gallery 3E
11:45 a.m. Group Picture-East Hall of Capitol-Second Floor Staircase
Noon-1:15 p.m. Lunch and Speakers Angelia Orr and Brian Birdwell
1:15-3:15 p.m. Order Forthcoming – Texas Education Agency, Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Space Commission, Texas Water Development Board
3:30 p.m. Depart Austin
6:30 p.m. Arrive at City Hall in Hillsboro
Attendance fees: $40 each for attendees with bus trip, lunch, activities and speakers $30 each if you elect to not utilize the bus transportation
Sponsorship Opportunities for Businesses and Stakeholders are Available
Support helps make this event possible and allows the bus trip, lunch and day at the Capitol to be affordable for civic minded attendees. Sponsors can support the event in denomination, including $100, $250, $500 or $1,000, and includes attendance for sponsor designees.
Questions? Please reply to this Email: memberservices@hillsborochamber.org

Thank you to our sponsors Atmos Energy, Rise Broadband, Hilco Electric Cooperative, Oncor, and Citizens National Bank of Hillsboro.